The Out of NowHere network designs, gathers and promotes hotels and lodges located in the midst of spectacular natural spaces and isolated protected territories that are sometimes difficult to access. Our secret: We try to blend into the environment, embrace closely the locals’ way of life, their techniques, their skills, their traditions, to be as close to them as possible, accepted with complete confidence and mutual respect..
We believe that our presence in a territory is not only to be considered in its physical dimension but in all its geographical dimensions, including the human as well as cultural. We are in a territory where physical and mental landscapes blend into one another..
You will find our Out of NowHere hotels off the beaten tracks. Our hotels and lodges sacrifice accessibility for the wealth of exceptional sites. We take the utmost care in protecting the territories that welcome us and collaborate actively on the projects destined to enhance their singularity, working closely with qualified professional stakeholders (such as Association for the Protection of Fauna and Flora, Astronomical Association, local NGOs, International Astronomical Network, and others)..
Experience the true art of Hospitality with the thoughtful touch of attentive staff who contribute to a truly memorable experience of yours. Here and Now in the middle of nowhere, sometimes in exclusive nameless places, the hotels from the Out of NowHere brand guarantee top of the range international hotel service. Our secret weapon: All members of the Out of NowHere teams are magicians!